Thursday, 7 January 2010


So... I was sick most of Christmas.  I failed to make more than one homemade Christmas gift (just the marzipan fruits again). I've not blogged about most of my swaps.  Generally, I'm rubbish!

But, new year, new beginnings and all that crap! So I've given myself a rule - I mustn't start something new until I've finished my last project - instead, I've got myself a little notebook to keep track of the projects I want to do, so that I don't forget about them.

I'm also not going to commit to any swaps unless I absolutely know I have the time for it - I don't want to panic last minute that I'm going to miss the deadline, or that my swap isn't very good. 

Over the next few weeks I'll try and get my blog up to date with some of the things I've made or received and start posting more often about things I've seen that I think are exciting.

For now, Happy New Year!

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