Saturday, 3 March 2012

Christmas Revisited

Now that the blogs are joined, I'm going to try and do a few more posts about crafty things from the gap on my other blog (the too guilty to post phase).

This is technically Ian's crafting that I'm about to show you. Every year (apart from Christmas 2010 for some reason) he makes me a christmas card. This year he stole his idea from an owl christmas tree ornament that a friend bought me. It's small enough that it can find a home, unlike some of the previous ones, which have been massive and are now collecting dust whilst waiting to be homed. It actually found a home on our christmas tree and so will be a nice reminder every year when I reuse it.

As well as the card, I also got the gift of extra stash goodies, as he ordered the cardboard from the internet and therefore couldn't tell how much he was ordering and we now have tonnes!

At Christmas, I decided to make my own wrapping paper. I went for simple brown paper stamped with some russian doll santas but it took quite a lot of time and we had quite a few presents to wrap. The parcels did look pretty when all tied up together with silver string, but I'm not sure it was worth the effort. 
2011-12-15 09.26.56

I also had some fun wrapping escapades at Ian's parents. They were up to their eyeballs in tiling, carpeting and plumbing so the wrapping of the presents had fallen by the wayside. I'm no good at any of those things, so I took on the wrapping. Ian's mum didn't make it easy for me though, with a snow shovel for Ian's sister. I'm pretty proud of it though and it was a good challenge!
2011-12-24 13.10.26
Whilst writing this post I've realised there was a lot of Christmas food related things that I've yet to post about too, so look out for Christmas Revisited part two!


Lisa said...

Ian's "Loch Ness Monster" stamp is brilliant! Obviously the card is superb, too, but I love that stamp!!

I'm with you on the hand-stamped wrapping paper. I did exactly the same the year before last and wished I hadn't bothered. Although I must say the finished parcels look enormously classy!

Skipping over the giving of a shovel as a gift (?), oddly shaped presents are the reason you should keep any and all boxes that enter your house throughout the year. That way you can always have something with flat sides and corners to wrap!! That said, you did a great job - looks almost too good to unwrap!

Carrie said...

That's actually my stamp idea he's nicked, I've been putting it on cards since I was little - I refer to it as happy worm post :D

People always look carefully at the cost of the stamp to work out how important they are, you'll see Ian's put an infinity sign on mine, because he's not stupid!

The shovel gift was definitely an interesting one, apparently last year Ian's sister had to shovel snow, and her work colleague made her one out of cardboard or something, so his parents wanted her to be prepared this year. I always remember a board game we had as kids, a Postman Pat one, and I liked that all the parcels resembled what was inside even though they were wrapped up - but you're right, square things are so much easier to wrap and we do keep a lot of boxes for that very reason.

Ian said...

I thought we kept boxes so you can build little walls, to make getting into rooms more exciting!

Lisa said...

Ooh, an internet "domestic" - brilliant!

Carrie, how sweet that your husband not only reads your blog, but leaves a comment too!

Ian, you could always have a "retro" day, stack all the empty boxes in the road and knock them over by skidding your car into them, 1970s police drama style!!!

Ian said...

I've not even started about how she booby-traps the wall with giant bubble-wrap on either side...

Carrie said...

It is sweet that he comments, but he's been informed that they have to be nice comments from now on, and not moaning ones.

With regards to the cardboard box wall, I did it one time, and it would have been easy enough to move but Ian just decided to use his super long legs to climb over it instead.